.. Likes .. shiro, the lelish pals <3 gfriend, iz*one, bandori, project sekai, d4dj, music, fast food, bread, cloudy weather.. Dislikes .. anxiety, boredom, seafood, vegetables, lag, sensitive topics, insects, school & homework

don't assume my sexuality, it makes me uncomfy. please let me know if i did something wrong through dms, i use tonetags, i don't accept random friend requests unless i know you
basic don't interact if criteria, you bully or make fun of people, you're problematic or a creep, basically if you're rude, problematic, or anything negative just don't interact with me

.. Triggers .. zombies, underwater, snakes, any type of violence, blood, self harm, rape, any cause of death, strong topics, idrk what else so just tw/cw anything that's not in this list if you think i need it

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music gfriend, viviz, iz*one, le sserafim, ive, aespa, twice, red velvet, loona, bandori (mostly roselia), project sekai, d4dj, taylor swift, ariana grande, & more!
characters bandori chisato, roselia (mostly lisa & ako) pjsekai an, ena, saki, honami, d4dj kurumi, kokoa, tsubaki sailor moon usagi, michiru, haruka, luna, artemis


shiro, lelish pals, v.chwe, some of my classmates